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Your Private Invitation: "Gusten's Inner Circle"

Join The #1 Mastermind & Coaching Program for Serious Funnel Builders & Agency Owners

Charge higher ticket, land more dream clients & build funnel agency systems for scale.

Limited spots available due to the 1 on 1 coaching.


"Hit my first $100k/month"

"Bro your program is absolute fire man, I hit my first $100k month as a funnel agency using your program. Now closing deals worth $10k+ and beyond because of your course and systems. Thanks again" - James S.

Funnel Builders & Agency Owners

Are You Struggling to Land More High Paying Dream Clients?

If you are, it's likely due to a couple of reasons...


You likely don't have the right foundations in place, like your offer, portfolio, pricing and lead generation.


You probably don't have the right systems to close clients at scale, and then deliver quality funnels clients love.


You feel overwhelmed trying to figure things out yourself, instead of learning from someone already successful.

Here's Why I Can Help

I've Worked With 100+ Clients, Some of The Biggest Brands in The World

I share that to tell you, I know what's working and what isn't. And I can help you too.

Get More High Paying Clients

I know the struggle of charging just $500 per funnel, burning out and working yourself to the ground...

Just trying to keep up with bills, while struggling to balance the daily tasks of lead generation and client fullfilment.

Deadlines that are stressing you out, not to mention the pressure of not feeling confident that you can even deliver for clients.

That was me too, before I landed clients like Russell Brunson, Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Jordan Welch and many more.

I now feel very confident I can work with anyone, and I can delivery funnels that convert to anyone.

I don't feel nervous meeting with 9 figure entrepreneurs anymore, and you don't have to either.

I'll help you level up your skills, your portfolio, your pricing and then get you more clients that actually pay you well.

Imagine You Could Just Copy all my Funnel Agency & Client Systems.

Instead of you having to struggle alone, feeling like you want to give up at any moment.

Here's How:

Imagine if you were given a proven system that I've used personally to get 100's of clients and go from zero to $50k/m in my funnel agency...

You will gain immediate clarity on your ideal clients, knowing exactly who you can best serve and help.

You learn the art of presenting and selling your offers, closing clients effortlessly.

You set the rates you want, and still have your prospects eagerly paying you high ticket fees.

You establish authority and credibility quickly and grow your presence as a trusted personal brand.

You're able to close deals ranging from $5k to $10k, and even secure recurring clients who love what you do.

I've already done this myself, and now you can too.

Let's talk about what it would look like for YOU to join the Inner Circle!

Bring your questions and ask them from our advisor on your discovery call.

How It Works

The Inner Circle is NOT Just Another Online Course...

In fact, it's not even a "coaching program"... as you'll see in a second.


1 on 1 mentorship with Gusten

In most "coaching programs" you pay $10k-30k and you get assigned a coach they've hired, and you never get to talk to the main person, which is kind of the point of mentorship.

I've been there, where I invested $30k and never once even got to ask the main person a single question.

This is different, and you get 24/7 access to my personal phone number to ask me anything at any time.

Plus I'll keep you accountable through Whatsapp so you move forward and implement what you learn from me.


IC Mastermind Group Chat

This is priceless, and something I wish I had when I started out.

You now get to message 100+ other IC members for their feedback and insights on exactly what you're working on.

I can't tell you enough how valuable it's having a group of winners close by ready to help when you need it the most.

Plus, you get to learn from others who share wins, lessons and strategies that are working for their clients.

This alone if you take me, Gusten, out of it - is easily worth the investment into Inner Circle alone.


Private FB + Skool Community

And if the group calls, 1 on 1 coaching, 7 expert coaches and the mastermind group chat wasn't enough, we also have private community on both FB and Skool.

So no matter where you spend most of your time, we got you covered with the latest "what's working now" and behind the scenes in our private communities.

These are livestreams of tips and tricks, sometimes resources that you get first access to before any other students.

Delivered straight from Gusten and the other coaches.


7 Weekly Expert Calls

I can't believe I'm saying this, but you actually get 7 coaches and daily calls included free of charge.

The reason I say free is because we've added paying team members, without raising the fee of IC at all.

I wanted to offer the most value and support I could, by adding experts and world class coaches who were actually at my own level (or better) in their respective fields.

I'm proud to say we've been able to do that now, and while it wasn't easy, you now get daily calls + replays from all of them, from copywriting, design, CRO, systems, sales and much more.


Funnel Agency Systems

Remember how I said at the top of this page, you can copy my entire system to scaling to multiple-6 figures as a funnel agency?

That's all available for you in the new Skool community when you join Inner Circle. Just model the organisational chart, the team scaling systems, the project management systems and everything I've already built for you.

Then implement and start scaling up to the next level you know is possible and that's already waiting for you.

I don't sell these anywhere else, some of my systems aren't even available in any of my courses, just for IC members.

It's time to finally break through and get you the results you deserve.

Let's get you unstuck from what's holding you back and getting you into momentum and a state of "flow", so you can get better results, aka more leads and clients.

Apply now by clicking the button below and let's get you into IC and closing more deals.


The Inner Circle 2.0

The all new coaching line-up, 1 on 1 access 24/7 to Gusten's Whatsapp, daily coaching calls, and much more.

Book your free call and ask any questions you might have.

Learn From World Class Experts

Meet Your Coaches

You only get the best of the best in their own respective fields of expertise.

Funnel Agency

Gusten Sun

Gusten is the celebrity funnel builder behind some of the biggest brands in the space, with close to 600 funnels under his belt.

Leads & Clients

Pedro Moreira

Pedro is one of the most experienced funnel builders in the space, and a well-known coach for the Inner Circle success stories.


Bhavika Katyal

Bhavika is a world class copywriter with years of experience writing copy for industry leaders, including Gusten's funnel agency projects.

Conversion Design

Bryan Chan

Bryan is one of the absolute top conversion designers in the "funnel" industry, also frequently hired by the top brands in the market.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Peter Christensen

Peter is considered to be one of the leading CRO experts in the e-com and info space, with his "scaling" frameworks.

Tech & Automations

Ivy Valdes

Ivy is known for her skills in the funnels and automations space, and is often seen working with the top experts.

Funnel Agency General

Kristy Ting

Kristy is our multi-talented leader, great at all things funnel agency systems, operations and copywriting.

Ready to join the Inner Circle?

The Inner Circle was created for people like you who wants more, but don't want to do it alone.

Sound like you? Apply now.

Master The Skill of "Funnel Conversions"

Become World Class at Funnel Building & Client Delivery

In the Inner Circle, you'll learn the #1 skill to actually be able to charge high ticket: Funnel building that clients love you for, and that actually gets them results. Don't build your business on weak foundations with no skills, instead feel confident in your ability to delivery amazing funnels.

Apply now to see if IC is for you!

Limited spots available due to the 1 on 1 coaching.

What You Get:

What's Included in IC?

This offer is unlike anything else in the market, you can't find this from anyone else and we're very proud to be able to serve you with this much support and guidance.

Here's what you get today:

  • The Funnel Agency Systems & Program

  • 7 Power Coaching Calls Weekly

  • 1 on 1 Personal Mentorship from Gusten

  • Direct WhatsApp Access To Coaches

  • Inner Circle Mastermind Group Chat

  • Access To The Private IC Community

  • Replay Recordings from Coaching Calls

Limited spots available due to the 1 on 1 coaching.


Real People. Real Results.


$15,000/month funnel agency

Afreen has been in the Inner Circle for a long time and is one of our most successful members. She's scaled from almost zero to $15k/month and beyond.


$16,000 in 30 days

Edison has also been in the IC for a while now. He was already talented when joining but wanted to scale up his revenue. He's since grown to $16k/m.


$13,700 in 15 days

Snehal had one of her best months recently with $13,700 in just 15 days, allowing her to build a 6 figure business selling funnel build projects.


$7,500 per funnel

James was already knowledgable in funnels but wanted to charge more. He's now gone from charging $3.5k per funnel to now $7,500/funnel.


Her first $10,000 month

Millie joined the Inner Circle with the goal to hit $10k in a month in her funnel agency, and she recently shared the good news of her first $10k month.


$15,000 in 30 days

Darla joined the Inner Circle last year with a goal to scale her business, and she's since been able to scale up to $15k/m and beyond. She's crushing it!


$12,000 in 30 days

Steve was able to hit his goals of building a $10k funnel agency and got to $12k in a single month after implementing and taking massive action.


Doubled his business

Sergio joined the IC to build a successful funnel agency and charge more for his services. He's already been able to double his revenue.

Limited spots available due to the 1 on 1 coaching.

Frequently Asked Questions

Still not sure the Inner Circle is for you? Read some of the common concerns people have below.

Is this personal 1 on 1 coaching or group coaching sessions only?

Great question. It's both, depending on which calls you attend. The main coaching part you need is the 1 on 1 Whatsapp voice messages and direct feedback loom videos from Gusten. On top of that you have 7 coaches in total ready to help you in the Inner Circle mastermind group chat, so you don't have to wait for calls to get the help you need.

You also get daily LIVE calls where you can join or watch the replay, where we guide you through copywriting, conversion design, systems and automations, conversion rate optimization, funnel agency systems and team, hiring and all that good stuff.

It's not just more "Q&A" calls, although you can ask questions, it's having a coach at your side at every stage of scaling from zero to $10k/m and beyond.

Do I get 1 on 1 access to Gusten personally?

Yes, you will get direct coaching from Gusten 1 on 1. In fact, this is Gusten writing this. I'm there every step of the way, answering all your questions and helping you get unstuck, so you can move into momentum and start closing more clients.

Do you offer a refund if I change my mind?

All sales are final, as your 1 on 1 coaching starts the minute you join. But you can cancel anytime when you've received the help you need and gotten the results you needed, so we don't make you sign any crazy 1 year contracts.

How much is the Inner Circle investment?

The total investment depends on how you want to pay your enrollment fee. If you pay upfront, you get a discount. If you want to pay over a few months, that's possible too. When you book a call with us, we'll figure out the payment plans and see what makes most sense for you.

Is this for me?

I totally understand it can feel daunting and you might be nervous joining a group of other high level entrepreneurs who are already crushing it. The Inner Circle isn't some scary mastermind where you'll be left out as a beginner, quite the opposite. Everyone who's successful are happy to reach back down and help others scale up, as you'll see in the mastermind group chat when you join. No matter where you're starting, the IC is perfect for you, as long as you are a good person and bring positive energy to the rest of the group. Our job is to protect the culture and make sure it stays strong.

Limited spots available due to the 1 on 1 coaching.

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